Educational Profile Questionnaire

Cities, Towns and Regional School Districts (“Districts”) that have been invited into the MSBA’s Eligibility Period are required to complete and submit an Educational Profile Questionnaire (“EPQ”), which is an overview of a District’s current and proposed educational program. The EPQ is not intended to serve as a full review of the District’s specific educational program. A full and detailed review of the District’s educational plan will be required early in Feasibility Study.

The EPQ helps to inform the MSBA’s understanding of the District’s public school facilities and what facilities the District hopes to include during Feasibility Study. The EPQ asks the District a series of questions about the priority school indicated in the Statement of Interest. The EPQ includes the following items:

The EPQ serves as a key component for enrollment conversations that take place during the Eligibility Period phase.

A sample of the EPQ can be found here. The EPQ must be completed and submitted to the MSBA within 90 days of the District’s Eligibility Period commencement date. The EPQ is eventually paired with the District’s educational plan for MSBA Board member review.

Chapter 74 Vocational Technical Education Viability Documentation

The Chapter 74 Vocational Technical Education Viability Documentation requests current and proposed Chapter 74 program offerings, as well as supplemental documentation. The MSBA and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education coordinate oversight and viability of proposed projects that include spaces dedicated to the delivery of Chapter 74 programs. This document is due within 90 days and is later updated during Feasibility Study to align with the District’s Preferred Solution.

  1. Meet Our Senior Staff
  1. Board Meetings
  2. Administration, Operations, and Finance Subcommittee
  3. Facilities Assessment Subcommittee