Direct, Inverse, Joint and Combined Variation

When you start studying algebra, you will also study how two (or more) variables can relate to each other specifically. The cases you’ll study are:

Note: Just because two variables have a direct relationship, the relationship may not necessarily be a causal relationship (causation), meaning one variable directly affects the other. There may be another variable that affects both of the variables. For example, there may be a correlation between the number of people buying ice cream and the number of people buying shorts. People buying ice cream do not cause people to buy shorts, but most likely warm weather outside is causing both to happen.

Here is a table for the types of variation we’ll be discussing:

Direct or Proportional Variation

When two variables are related directly, the ratio of their values is always the same. If $ k$, the constant ratio is positive, the variables go up and down in the same direction. (If $ k$ is negative, as one variable goes up, the other goes down; this is still considered a direct variation, but is not seen often in these problems.) Note that $ k\ne 0$.

Think of linear direct variation as a “$ y=mx$” line, where the ratio of $ y$ to $ x$ is the slope ($ m$). With direct variation, the $ y$-intercept is always 0 (zero); this is how it’s defined. Direct variation problems are typically written: → $ \boldsymbol $, where $ k$ is the ratio of $ y$ to $ x$ (which is the same as the slope or rate).

Some problems will ask for that $ k$ value (which is called the constant ratio, constant of variation or constant of proportionality – it’s like a slope!); others will just give you 3 out of the 4 values for $ x$ and $ y$ and you can simply set up a ratio to find the other value. I’m thinking the $ k$ comes from the word “constant” in another language.

Remember the example of making $10 an hour at the mall ($ y=10x$)? This is an example of direct variation, since the ratio of how much you make to how many hours you work is always constant.

We can also set up direct variation problems in a ratio, as long as we have the same variable in either the top or bottom of the ratio, or on the same side. This will look like the following. Don’t let this scare you; the subscripts just refer to either the first set of variables $ (_>,_>)$, or the second $ (_>,_>)$: $ \displaystyle \frac<<_>>><<_>>>\,\,=\,\,\frac<<_>>><<_>>>$.

Notes: Partial Variation (see below), or “varies partly” means that there is an extra fixed constant, so we’ll have an equation like $ y=mx+b$, which is our typical linear equation. Also, I’m assuming in these examples that direct variation is linear; sometime I see it where it’s not, like in a Direct Square Variation where $ y=k^>$. There is a word problem example of this here.

Direct Variation Word Problem:
We can solve the following direct variation problem in one of two ways, as shown. We do these methods when we are given any three of the four values for $ x$ and $ y$.

See how similar these types of problems are to the Proportions problems we did earlier?

Direct Square Variation Word Problem:

Again, a Direct Square Variation is when $ y$ is proportional to the square of $ x$, or $ y=k^>$. Let’s work a word problem with this type of variation and show both the formula and proportion methods:

Inverse or Indirect Variation

Inverse or Indirect Variation refers to relationships of two variables that go in the opposite direction (their product is a constant, $ k$). Let’s suppose you are comparing how fast you are driving (average speed) to how fast you get to your school. You might have measured the following speeds and times:

(Note that $ \approx $ means “approximately equal to”).

Do you see how when the $ x$ variable goes up, the $ y$ goes down, and when you multiply the $ x$ with the $ y$, we always get the same number? (Note that this is different than a negative slope, or negative $ k$ value, since with a negative slope, we can’t multiply the $ x$’s and $ y$’s to get the same number).

The formula for inverse or indirect variation is: → $ \displaystyle \boldsymbol>$ or $ \boldsymbol$, where $ k$ is always the same number.

(Note that you could also have an Indirect Square Variation or Inverse Square Variation, like we saw above for a Direct Variation. This would be of the form $ \displaystyle y=\frac^>>>\text< or >^>y=k$.)

Here is a sample graph for inverse or indirect variation. This is actually a type of Rational Function (function with a variable in the denominator) that we will talk about in the Rational Functions, Equations and Inequalities section.

Inverse Variation Word Problem:

We might have a problem like this; we can solve this problem in one of two ways, as shown. We do these methods when we are given any three of the four values for $ x$ and $ y$:

“Work” Inverse Proportion Word Problem:

Here’s a more advanced problem that uses inverse proportions in a “work” word problem ; we’ll see more “work problems” here in the Systems of Linear Equations Section and here in the Rational Functions and Equations section .

In the problem below, the three different values are inversely proportional; for example, the more women you have, the less days it takes to paint the mural, and the more hours in a day the women paint, the less days they need to complete the mural:

You might be asked to look at functions (equations or points that compare $ x$’s to unique $ y$’s – we’ll discuss later in the Algebraic Functions section) and determine if they are direct, inverse, or neither:

Joint Variation and Combined Variation

Joint variation is just like direct variation, but involves more than one other variable. All the variables are directly proportional, taken one at a time. Let’s set this up like we did with direct variation, find the $ k$, and then solve for $ y$; we need to use the Formula Method:

Another Joint Variation Word Problem:

Combined variation involves a combination of direct or joint variation, and indirect variation. Since these equations are a little more complicated, you probably want to plug in all the variables, solve for $ k$, and then solve back to get what’s missing. Let’s try a problem:

Partial Variation

You don’t hear about Partial Variation or something being partly varied or part varied very often, but it means that two variables are related by the sum of two or more variables (one of which may be a constant). An example of part variation is the relationship modeled by an equation of a line that doesn’t go through the origin. Here are a few examples:

We’re doing really difficult problems now – but see how, if you know the rules, they really aren’t bad at all?

Learn these rules, and practice, practice, practice!

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