Evaluation Tools

MEASURE Evaluation developed these evaluation tools with the goal of maximizing program results through the systematic collection and analysis of information and evidence about health program performance and impact.

MEASURE Evaluation developed these tools with the goal of maximizing program results through the systematic collection and analysis of information and evidence about health program performance and impact.

To learn how this work is continuing after the MEASURE Evaluation project, please visit Data for Impact.

How Do We Know if a Program Made a Difference? A Guide to Statistical Methods for Program Impact Evaluation
This manual provides an overview of core statistical and econometric methods for program impact evaluation and, more generally, causal modelling.

Health Systems Strengthening - M&E and Learning
This package of health systems strengthening (HSS) resources provides advice and direction on how to set up monitoring, evaluation, and learning processes. These processes track progress in HSS, generate evidence of the effectiveness of HSS interventions, and use that evidence for continuous learning and better programming.

Evaluating Family Planning Programs with Adaptations for Reproductive Health
This manual prepares readers to differentiate between the main types of program evaluation, program monitoring, and impact assessment.

Evaluating HIV/AIDS Prevention Projects: A Manual for Nongovernmental Organizations
The purpose of this manual is to demystify the evaluation process, especially for staff who are not specialized in evaluation techniques.

Evaluating Structural Interventions – Guidance for HIV prevention programs
By planning for evaluations early, working with stakeholders, determining a theory of change, carefully selecting research questions, and selecting the most appropriate research design, those in the HIV-prevention field can continue to determine which interventions are most effective.

Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Toolkit
Efforts to strengthen health information systems (HIS) must focus on improved health program monitoring and evaluation. To help meet this need, MEASURE Evaluation, the flagship M&E and HIS strengthening project of the United States Agency for International Development, and its Kenya associate award, MEASURE Evaluation PIMA, developed a process and toolkit to conduct a standard baseline assessment of M&E capacity: the Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Toolkit (MECAT).

Getting to an Evaluation Plan: A Six-Step Process from Engagement to Evidence
An evaluation plan is a means to organize evaluation activities as they are connected to outputs, outcomes, and impact. The purpose of this workbook is to provide practical advice and activities to facilitate the preparation of a written evaluation plan that is in line with best evaluation planning practices.

Framework and Toolkit to Strengthen Evaluation Capacity
This toolkit was created to help evaluators engage in collaborative implementation. The toolkit provides guidance on a systematic approach to work with a research partner to strengthen its research capacity while simultaneously working with that partner to strengthen capacity to conduct an evaluation.

Survey Tools

GIS and Sampling
This manual details how geographic information systems (GIS) can serve sampling and what the procedure for applying GIS to the sampling process entails.

Sampling and Evaluation – A Guide to Sampling for Program Impact Evaluation
This manual explores the challenges of sampling for program impact evaluations—how to obtain a sample that is reliable for estimating impact of a program and how to obtain a sample that accurately reflects the population of interest.